Sunday 26 June 2016

Weekly Horoscope

Jun 27, 2016 to Jul 03, 2016 Aries Horoscope

Exploring spiritual interests provides enlightenment and understanding. Advice from an elder is insightful; take it on board.You seek something outside your immediate environment, You are fascinated by other cultures and those with seemingly superior knowledge.

Jun 27, 2016 to Jul 03, 2016 Taurus Horoscope

New individuals met at this time add new perspective and their opinions are cause for consideration Spend this time sorting out affairs of the heart, or calmly assessing the money situation

Jun 27, 2016 to Jul 03, 2016 Gemini Horoscope

Check your motives and make sure you are not attempting to manipulate them to gain your own way. You are adamant about your views and quite passionate with your words. Watch your need to please others

Jun 27, 2016 to Jul 03, 2016 Cancer Horoscope

You are a sensitive soul, but you must learn not to take everything too seriously. A message received can spell disappointment for lovers but you shall overcome this disappointment

Jun 27, 2016 to Jul 03, 2016 Leo Horoscope

Romance and leisure feel like empty pursuits. As you assess your present connections and activities, nothing seems good enough, romantic or passionate enough. Listen to logical reason regarding financial matters

Jun 27, 2016 to Jul 03, 2016 Virgo Horoscope

Past directions that have not evolved as hoped weigh heavily on your mind. Focus on the lesson learned, not the loss experienced. Decisions need to be reached regarding money and they have to be taken quickly so that precious time is not lost.

Jun 27, 2016 to Jul 03, 2016 Libra Horoscope

Whilst you are not able to achieve the dream immediately, think about re-working your budget so that you can set something aside each week. The desire to travel and explore the unknown is strong but your budget lacks the necessary funds to support grand dreams.

Jun 27, 2016 to Jul 03, 2016 Scorpio Horoscope

Passionate and driven in the realm of love and work connections, your ambition is contagious.Passions grow deeper, or reach a finale. New romance under these Stars shares a profound attraction: fiery and incredibly sexual

Jun 27, 2016 to Jul 03, 2016 Sagittarius Horoscope

You know that change is an essential, yet it has been difficult to discern just how to bring this about. Whilst these stars are not favourable for major adjustment, they provide enough encouragement for you to believe that dreams can come true.

Jun 27, 2016 to Jul 03, 2016 Capricorn Horoscope

Consider the long-term benefits of your present situation. Is it what you need?This week the focus shall be on relationships and the support given to you in regards to your dreams and aspirations

Jun 27, 2016 to Jul 03, 2016 Aquarius Horoscope

Watch the spending, but more importantly be wary of indecisive moments followed by snap decisionsUse your imagination to discover an alternative solution to this present dilemma. Healing comes in the form of an attitude adjustment. You know what to do.

Jun 27, 2016 to Jul 03, 2016 Pisces Horoscope

Communications with others refuse to flow smoothly, especially in the realm of love. This is best found with a trusted female whose advice is direct and honest.Watch the spending, as the desire to spice up the routine easily blows the budget

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