Saturday 15 August 2015

12 Good Habits That Should Have

The habit of your kid reflects your parenting techniques .All parents want to raise kids by teaching them good habits ,But the success of your parenting mission will be possible only if you know what are the good habits that your kids must have. Every  child is different and while you must try to inculcate positive habits in your must not undermine their individuality.

That is why every parent must have a list of some basic good habits that their kids must develop.These habits are universally accepted  the manners of happy kids.As  parents ,it is our duty to ensure that our kids  develop these habits so that they grow up to be well mannered and independent individuals.

we never forget what we learn at a younger age .

Kids are at an impressionable age:they are like masses of clay that can be molded into any shape ,so use your expetise to mould them into happy and responsible individuals.To do that ,start by working on your kids habits.

Here is a list of the good habits that your kids must develop.

Brushing Twice

Most kids are lazy about brushing their teeth.As the saying goes,you do not learn to value your teeth untill they are gone .Drill it into your kids head thet  brushing their teeth is a part of their daily chores like eating and sleeping.

Waking Up On Their Own

Many parents literally drag their kids out of the bed every morning.This is not a healthy habit.your kid's body clock must be attuned to waking at a particular time.Or else,they will be late risers all their life.

Table Manners

 Start treating your kids like an adult when he or she at the dining is very important that your child learns proper table manners .For that,you have to stop feeding the child from a very young age.

Clening Their Own Room

It is not our duty to clean up after your kids.They have to learn to clean up their own mess.Give them the weekly task of re-arranging their room and et an appropriate incentive for this task

Say 'Please' and 'Thank you
If your kids learn to say these two words,their life will bacomeeasy forever.'Please'and 'thank you'are the two magically polite words that can get most jobs done without any hassles

Share Their Things
Sharing is joy that most kids don't get these  days.Most couples opt to have a single child,and without siblings to share with,the child becomes selfis.Teach your kids to share their toys,food an books with their or their friends.

Being Responsible With Money
Teach your children to handle money from a young age .Give them a fixed pocket money and ask them to manage their personal expenses within taht amount .this will teeach them to be financially responsible later in life.

Have Healthy Food Habits
All kids like to have pizzas and burgers,But your kid should not be addicted to these junk foods,prepare healthy foods at home so that your kids develop a taste of home-cooked food.

Don't Be Couch Potatoes
You have allow your kids to watch television but only for a couple of hours in aday.Do not allow to sit in front of the TV nad become couch potatoes.Push them to indulge in outdoor activities instead.

Never Litter Public Spaces
The moment you allow your kid to throw an empty wrapper on the footpath,you have given the society a bad citizen .it is imporatant to make kids socially responsible.Tell your kids that you must never throw garbage anywhere other than a dustbin.

Be Helping Hand At Home
When our kids are big enough(7 to 8 years old)they must start taking some of the household work.give them small chroes like laying the table or drying the dishes so that they learn to do these household works.

Have Proper Bed Timings
Make sure that your kids have regular bad timings.Only if you teach them to lead a disciplined lifestyle as kids will they have regular habits for the rest of their lives.

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